Our baby girl is growing! She had her one month appointment last Friday (actually at 5 weeks) and is doing very well. She weighed 10 lbs. 1 oz. (75 percentile) and measured 22 in. (75-90 percentile). She is obviously eating good! Dr. Heaven said she looks great and is developing wonderfully. Our next appointment is at two months - first set of vaccines!!! OUCH!
At home, she is such a good girl. She is still sleeping most of the day, but does stay awake a bit more now, and we love that. We are spending that time interacting with her and talking to her. She is also getting some good "tummy time" in and is working on those neck muscles. She is quite used to all the noise around here and isn't easily disturbed.
At night, she is sleeping 4-5 hours before her first feeding, then another 3+ hours before her second. This gets us to a pretty good time in the morning, but sometimes a little earlier than Mommy would like! I am feeling very rested, though, so I can't complain. She is still sleeping in our room in her bassinet, so that keeps it convenient.
She has also started to smile! Her face just lights up and it is the sweetest thing. It is still not very often, so catching it on camera is tricky!