Saturday, September 6, 2008


Despite the fact that he didn't actually start with the rest of the kids on the first day of school (yes, we got that lucky "bug" - a small virus), he had a great day on the second day! What a big step for him as a toddler - this is his first school-type setting, outside his "playdates" with babysitter Ms. Jill and her son, Gavin. He was totally ready and super excited!

Tyler in front of his classroom door at "Meet the Teacher". We met his teacher, Ms. Karen and her assistant, Ms. Sarah. They are so sweet and he is looking forward to spending time with them this year!

Helping us get his lunch together on the morning of his first day.

All dressed and ready to go!

Posing with Mom and Mallory. I can't believe my baby boy is starting preschool!

Daddy with the kids. Tyler's done with posing for pictures. "Let's go, Mom!"

Tyler waiting in the carpool line. Time for the big moment! He was so excited, he didn't even look back as they got him out and started walking to the door! As sad as I was leaving him there, I was also so excited for him. He will do so well this year. We will keep you posted with his progress!

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