Sunday, March 30, 2008

Mallory's First Photo Shoot

I have to brag about a good friend, Karen Pillow, and her photography company, PictureLily Photography. She is so talented and wonderful! She came 3 days after we got home from the hospital to do a newborn shoot of Mallory. Here is a sneak peek at some of the pictures she captured. I'll share more later, when she is done editing. She also did a photo shoot for Tyler's 3 year pictures at Piedmont Park the day before I went into labor. I'll post a sampling of those, as well, as soon as we receive them. She is amazing! Check her blog out:

Big Brother Tyler

Well, it has been a bit of an adjustment for Tyler, I must say. Not too terribly bad, but we have our moments. We often wonder if it isn't just Mallory's arrival that is getting to him, but also his age!!! They say 3 isn't any better than 2!! All in all, he loves her so much and is always concerned with where she is and what she is doing. He tries so hard to be helpful. It is difficult for him to fully understand. So, we are planning some fun "dates" for him, both with mommy and daddy separately and even together. We have received offers from friends and family, too, to help out. Thank you for that! You don't know how much we appreciate it. Here are a few pictures the first day home with Big Brother and Little Sister.

Hospital Visitors

Here are some of our family and friends who stopped by the hospital to see our sweet baby girl.

Mimi (Blythe's mom) with Mallory.

Papa (Blythe's dad) with Mallory and Tyler watching.

Nana (Tim's mom) with Mallory.

Uncle Jordan (Tim's brother) with Mallory.

Allyson Clifford with Mallory.

Dan and Colleen Cichy with Mallory.

Colleen and Blythe with Mallory.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

IT'S A GIRL!!!!!

We couldn't be more proud or happy to introduce to you our new baby girl:
Mallory Kendall Daniels
Born Saturday, March 22 at 11:48am
6 lbs. 12 oz.
19 1/2 in.

Here is the story:
Unexpectedly, my water broke Friday night at Rio Grande in Buckhead while eating dinner with a bunch of friends. Quite hilarious, actually. I drove myself to Kennestone Hospital just to make sure that it was in fact my water that broke! It was and I wasn't going home without a baby! So, I got checked into my labor and delivery room and Tim was on his way. I had a wonderful labor with just a little bit of help from some Pitocin (to mildly start my contractions). Epidural came at 2:15am and I rested well for about 5 hours. Tim was able to snooze a bit, as well. I was 4cm at 7am and then 8cm at 8am. So, needless to say, the show got on the road very quickly!!! I started pushing at 9:45am and she arrive two hours (two grueling hours might I add) later. She decided to greet us head up (not exactly the "right way") and was a little difficult to push out. But, what got me through it (besides my WONDERFUL support team) was the fact that we were about to meet this precious baby for the first time and learn whether it was a boy or a girl! And, when she came out you could hear us scream down the hall!! With the help of my very good friend and nurse for the day, Danielle McGinn, and my awesome midwife Michele, I couldn't have gotten through such a successful vbac. I did it! It was the most wonderful experience (besides the PAIN!!) and I am so grateful how well it turned out. Here are some pictures of our precious little girl.....She looks just like her big brother!

Proud Mommy

Proud Mommy and Daddy

Michele (my midwife), Danielle (my nurse/great friend) and Blythe

Danielle gives Mallory her first bath.

Proud Big Brother Tyler comes for a visit the next day.
Our perfect little family!

Daddy gets Mallory ready to go home.

Mommy and Mallory ready to go!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Baby Update - 38 Weeks

Well, here we are - closer than ever - and still waiting for baby!!! I had my weekly appointment today and let's just say the dr. "stirred things up" a bit. I have started dialating now and the baby is very low. So, all signs point to some progress, but we'll still have to wait and see! It could be any moment, any day - who knows?? We are ready and waiting.

We've packed our bags, made arrangements for Tyler, created our phone list, put the carseat and bassinet together and finished some projects. I'd say we are prepared and eager to meet this little one!

If we don't get so lucky to go into labor naturally and have a successful vbac, then we have a c-section scheduled for Tuesday, April 1st at 10:30am. Yes, folks, that is April Fool's Day! Seems only appropriate! ;) It is a great day - Tyler was born on March 1st - also a Tuesday. And, this gives me a few days past my due date to still give natural labor a try. Please say a little prayer for that - we are very hopeful of that sort of outcome!

We will continue to keep you posted as we go day to day. And, we will do our best to make a round of phone calls when the baby arrives, as well as emails and new postings to our blog as soon as we get home. Thank you for all of your support and well wishes!!

Sunday, March 2, 2008


Can you believe our little boy is three years old!?!? Oh, how time flies!! He had such a wonderful birthday yesterday - filled with family, friends, cake and presents! Just like Christmas, his birthday felt extra special this year. He finally "gets it" and understands what is going on and is sincerely appreciative for it all. He was such a doll and enjoyed every minute of it. Mommy had a hard time singing "Happy Birthday" to him, trying to hold back the tears of happiness of how proud of him she is. Here are some pictures from his extra special day...

Tyler's adorable (and delicious!) train cake.

Tyler's own personal mini cake and the birthday hat (courtesy of The Dizzy Dragonfly).

Proud Mom and Dad with their birthday boy.

Tyler setting up his train set with Uncle Jordan before his friends arrive.

Our activity for the kids was decorating train cookies. Here's Tyler perfecting his.

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Tyler, Happy Birthday to you!!!"