Monday, March 17, 2008

Baby Update - 38 Weeks

Well, here we are - closer than ever - and still waiting for baby!!! I had my weekly appointment today and let's just say the dr. "stirred things up" a bit. I have started dialating now and the baby is very low. So, all signs point to some progress, but we'll still have to wait and see! It could be any moment, any day - who knows?? We are ready and waiting.

We've packed our bags, made arrangements for Tyler, created our phone list, put the carseat and bassinet together and finished some projects. I'd say we are prepared and eager to meet this little one!

If we don't get so lucky to go into labor naturally and have a successful vbac, then we have a c-section scheduled for Tuesday, April 1st at 10:30am. Yes, folks, that is April Fool's Day! Seems only appropriate! ;) It is a great day - Tyler was born on March 1st - also a Tuesday. And, this gives me a few days past my due date to still give natural labor a try. Please say a little prayer for that - we are very hopeful of that sort of outcome!

We will continue to keep you posted as we go day to day. And, we will do our best to make a round of phone calls when the baby arrives, as well as emails and new postings to our blog as soon as we get home. Thank you for all of your support and well wishes!!

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